Style Spotlight: Michelle Obama

There is no denying that this post is long overdue. Vanity Fair has already named Michelle one of their favorites on their "International Best-dressed List" and Vogue featured her as one of their "It Girls" in April. She's an obvious choice not just for her sense of style but the ease with which she wears her clothes. You never get the feeling she's trying to please anyone but herself. Some have questioned whether or not Michelle has a stylist but her people deny it...

�To the best of my knowledge, she does not use a stylist,� said Mrs. Obama�s spokeswoman, Katie McCormick Lelyveld, although she is known to have relationship's with a few designers and Chicago boutiques [Source].

Obvious comparisons have been made to Jackie Kennedy and even Barbara Bush (must be the pearls) but I'm just excited to see another type of black woman on my television screen and on magazine stands. My only frustration when composing this post was trying to find full-length photos of Michelle's outfits (as a personal plea to campaign photographers, we want to see the shoes!). I guess I'll have to wait until they make it into the White House. Then we'll be spoiled for choice with images of a classy, fashionable woman. After a few weeks of online digging I found some great examples of Michelle's style choices. You can view them below in the slideshow. I can't wait to see what she wears when their victory is announced!