Street Style: Gabi of Young, Fat & Fabulous

This past weekend over brunch, a group of friends and I were discussing fashion (no surprise there) the subject evolved to fashion blogs and we started naming our favorites. We all had our iPhones, Driods and Blackberrys out so we quickly started googling sites to view each other's recommendations. Hands down the unanimous winner was Young, Fat & Fabulous. If you don't know, please get to know. Gabi Gregg is the blog's savvy and fashion forward author. Not only has she been featured on Vogue Italia's site, she's also MTV's Twitter correspondant. Don't sleep on this talent. Her style choices are to die for and she proves time-and-time again that women can look fabulous at any size! I've gotten so many ideas from her already. Click here for details on this photo's outfit.